Episode 3: Shaken Not Stirred (Shakers)
To learn more about the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, the last active Shaker community in the United States, visit its official website here.
In writing this episode, we consulted the following primary and secondary sources:
Primary Sources
Noyes, John Humphrey. History of American Socialisms. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1870. Available online here.
White, Anna, and Leila S. Taylor. Shakerism: Its Meaning and Message, Embracing an Historical Account, Statement of Belief and Spiritual Experience of the Church from Its Rise to the Present Day. Columbus, OH: Press of Fred J. Heer, 1905. Available online here.
Youngs, Benjamin Seth. The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing: Containing a General Statement of All Things Pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of God in This Latter-Day. 2nd ed. Albany, NY: E. and E. Hosford, 1810. Available online here.
Secondary Sources
Brewer, Priscilla J. Shaker Communities, Shaker Lives. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1986.
Carter, Catherine L., and Martha E. Geores. "Heaven On Earth: The Shakers and Their Space." Geographies of Religions and Belief Systems 1, no. 1 (2006). Available online here.
Jortner, Adam. "The Political Threat of a Female Christ: Ann Lee, Morality, and Religious Freedom in the United States, 1780-1819." Early American Studies 7, no. 1 (2009).
Thurman, Suzanne R. "O Sisters, Ain't You Happy?": Gender, Family, and Community among the Harvard and Shirley Shakers, 1781-1918. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2002.
To learn more about these sources, check out this episode's accompanying blog post.
For samples of Shaker music, you can visit the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village website here. We also recommend listening to the Robert Kerr arrangement of the Shaker hymn "Simple Gifts" here. Michael J. Albani would like to thank the Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA) for first introducing him to the Shakers in the 2015 exhibition "Shaker in Chicago." You can find more information about that exhibition here.